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SEO Projects

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Our Recent Projects & Case Studies for Clients

Our Portfolio

Paid Ads / SEM & SMM

Our Moduls

• Understanding the concept of paid advertising
• Differentiating between paid and organic advertising
• Overview of popular advertising platforms (Google Ads, Facebook Ads, etc.)
• Setting goals and objectives for paid advertising campaigns

• In-depth exploration of major advertising platforms (Google Ads, Facebook Ads, Twitter Ads, LinkedIn Ads)
• Understanding the user interfaces and functionalities of each platform
• Analyzing the targeting options and ad formats available on each platform
• Examining the pricing models and budgeting strategies for paid ads

• Conducting effective keyword research for paid advertising campaigns
• Implementing keyword match types and negative keywords
• Writing compelling and persuasive ad copy
• Optimizing ad copy for different advertising platforms

• Understanding the importance of campaign structure and organization
• Creating effective campaign structures for different business goals
• Designing ad groups and keyword groups
• Implementing ad extensions and other ad enhancements

• Setting up tracking mechanisms for paid advertising campaigns
• Implementing conversion tracking and goal tracking
• Analyzing key performance metrics (CTR, CPC, Conversion Rate, etc.)
• Interpreting campaign data to optimize performance

• Defining target audiences for paid ads
• Utilizing demographic, geographic, and interest-based targeting
• Implementing remarketing and audience segmentation strategies
• Testing and refining target audience selections

• Understanding the concept of A/B testing for paid ads
• Designing effective A/B testing experiments
• Analyzing and interpreting A/B test results
• Optimizing ad campaigns based on test outcomes

• Exploring display advertising options (banner ads, native ads, etc.)
• Understanding video advertising and platforms (YouTube, Facebook, etc.)
• Creating engaging and effective display and video ads
• Managing display and video ad campaigns effectively

• Understanding mobile advertising trends and strategies
• Creating mobile-specific ad campaigns
• Implementing app promotion campaigns
• Optimizing ads for mobile devices and apps

• Exploring advanced paid advertising strategies (geofencing, advanced remarketing, etc.)
• Analyzing successful case studies in paid advertising
• Staying updated with the latest trends and innovations in paid advertising
• Developing a personal paid advertising strategy and action plan

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